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环境教育是多学科融合的激发人们环境保护意识、培养正确环境价值观的教育。国际上自然保护地环境教育研究主要集中在环境教育内容和形式、环境教育效果评价及其影响因素分析、环境教育监测和法律体系完善等领域。在实践方面,环境教育内容和形式不断丰富,出现相对多样化的环境教育模式和较为健全的环境教育评价与法治管理体系。典型的有美国黄石公园设置的少年巡逻员岗位项目、英国的野外环境教育培训基地和日本的生态自然体验露营地等。我国自然保护地环境教育研究关注了国外相关理论与实践,侧重于从宏观层面对我国环境教育提出原则性、策略性的建议等。文中在分析国际自然保护地环境教育研究与实践的基础上,结合我国自然保护地环境教育现状及存在的问题,提出了完善环境教育内容和形式、建立健全环境教育评价和法律体系等发展建议。  相似文献   
针叶树是芬兰、瑞典、挪威、美国、加拿大等欧美国家主要的商品林树种。容器苗是针叶树重要的育苗类型。与裸根苗比较,容器苗具有育苗周期更短、造林季节可延长、苗木适应性更广、苗木质量更一致的优点。因此,容器育苗成为精准林业发展的必然趋势。为了借鉴欧美容器育苗的技术方法,提高我国容器苗的质量,为我国针叶树容器苗发展提供参考,文中主要从4个方面综述了欧美国家检测与提高苗木质量的方法,即列举了针叶树常用的苗木质量检测指标,总结了育苗容器与育苗基质的改良进展,介绍了养分、水分、光照与温度等培养条件的优化手段,简要概述了容器苗病虫害防控的进展,提出了我国相关树种容器苗生产的启示与借鉴。  相似文献   
对长三角地区某市垃圾焚烧行业的环保现状进行了调查研究,结果发现:当前区域垃圾焚烧企业,在保证规模、控制数量及地域上均衡布置的前提下,行业废水、废气污染治理设施齐全,废水、废气均稳定可达标排放,调查时段内未有投诉问题。区域垃圾焚烧行业在做到当下要求的情况下,实现了区域垃圾焚烧行业污染可控,对城市垃圾焚烧行业环保发展具备借鉴意义。  相似文献   
为研究和实现基于物联网的玉米病害环境监测系统,笔者设计了包括感知层、传输层、云服务层和应用层的4层架构。在感知层,利用传感器技术实时采集玉米病害环境的温湿度、降雨量、风向风速、光照强度和土壤温湿度等数据;在传输层中使用4G移动通信网络实现数据的远距离传输;云服务层中,基于四川农畜育种攻关云服务平台,应用数据库技术、云服务技术实现数据的存储和管理;最后,在应用层采用B/S模式实现数据展示服务。结果表明,该系统能够准确采集、稳定传输和安全存储数据,降低了人工成本。因此,它能够为玉米病害研究课题组提供有效的信息化服务,具有一定实用价值。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]地方文献是重要的文化资源,地方文献的收藏、整理、再造,是对历史文化的传承,也是推动地方文化建设、提升民众文化生活质量的必然要求。[方法/过程]概述上海图书馆“从武康路出发”的实践,总结地方文献资源和文旅融合的经验。对西北五省区省级公共图书馆地方文献资源数据库进行调查,分析文献收藏特点和不足之处。[结果/结论]根据调研结果从加强地方文献资源的收集整理、深入挖掘地方文献资源、加大地方文献资源的宣传力度、开展广泛的合作等方面提出建设思路。  相似文献   
Environmental variation can shape phenotypic variation in organisms, but most evidence for trait differentiation comes from analyses of dichotomous habitat types that differ in only one or few key environmental factors. In reality, environmental variation is often more subtle, gradual and multifarious. Here, we investigated geographic variation in body shape of two darter species (Etheostoma spectabile and Etheostoma flabellare; Percidae) that occur along river gradients. This study addressed three specific questions: Is there intraspecific geographic variation in the two species across different sites in the Ozark Highlands of Oklahoma (USA)? Is phenotypic variation across sites correlated with abiotic environmental conditions? Do the two species share site‐specific (i.e. convergent) phenotypic variation in areas where they occur together? Our results indicated significant body shape variation in both species. Population differences in body shape were particularly correlated with variation in substrate composition. The combined analysis of both species indicated a small but significant effect of convergence on body shape wherever they are sympatric; shared variation, however, was not related to any environmental variables included in the analysis. While it remains unclear whether phenotypic variation in these species is due to heritable differentiation or environmentally induced plasticity, our results indicate that even subtle and gradual environmental variation can induce substantial variation in phenotypes on a relatively small spatial scale.  相似文献   
Understanding fish movement in impounded river systems is important for fisheries management. Otolith chemistry was used to examine walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) intra‐ and inter‐reservoir movement in four Missouri River impoundments. Age‐0 individuals were reclassified with 75%–93% accuracy to known natal sites, allowing for reliable evaluation of movement patterns of age‐1 and older fish. Nearly half of walleye occupied the same location annually (i.e. site residency) between 2009 and 2010. In 2011, during the largest flood on record since 1898, downstream movement (49% of age‐1 and older fish) exceeded upstream movement (7%) and site residency (33%) across the study area. After the flood, most walleye moved downstream within reservoirs (45%) or were site residents (37%). Entrainment occurred most frequently during the flood year and was proportionally greatest in downstream reservoirs. Otolith chemistry is useful for understanding walleye movement and entrainment and is a tool for fisheries management with applications such as informing reservoir water releases, harvest regulations and habitat protection and rehabilitation within and outside the Missouri River reservoir system.  相似文献   
随着互联网信息技术发展和智能手机的普及,顺应时代发展的需要,线上教学成为未来高校教学活动开展一种必然途径。本文基于学习通和QQ群课堂平台构建了家畜环境卫生学课程的教学设计方案,并详细介绍了教学活动的实施办法,分析了线上教学面临的困难,并提出了相应对策,以期为高等学校线上教学改革提供参考。  相似文献   
Although the Mekong River is one of the world's 35 biodiversity hot spots, the large‐scale patterns of fish diversity and assemblage structure remain poorly addressed. This study aimed to investigate the fish distribution patterns in the Lower Mekong River (LMR) and to identify their environmental determinants. Daily fish catch data (i.e. from December 2000 to November 2001) at 38 sites distributed along the LMR were related to 15 physicochemical and 19 climatic variables. As a result, four different clusters were defined according to the similarity in assemblage composition and 80 indicator species were identified. While fish species richness was highest in the Mekong delta and lowest in the upper part of the LMR, the diversity index was highest in the middle part of the LMR and lowest in the delta. We found that fish assemblages changed along the environmental gradients and that the main drivers affecting the fish assemblage structure were the seasonal variation of temperature, precipitation, dissolved oxygen, pH and total phosphorus. Specifically, upstream assemblages were characterised by cyprinids and Pangasius catfish, well suited to low temperature, high dissolved oxygen and high pH. Fish assemblages in the delta were dominated by perch‐like fish and clupeids, more tolerant to high temperatures, and high levels of nutrients (nitrates and total phosphorus) and salinity. Overall, the patterns were consistent between seasons. Our study contributes to establishing the first holistic fish community study in the LMR.  相似文献   
巩莉 《绿色科技》2020,(6):23-25
基于地面气象观测资料和通用热气候指数,研究了中国东部沿海17个海岛旅游地1979~2018年40年平均的气候舒适度以及这40年间的变化趋势。结果显示:依据气候舒适期年内分布特征,17个海岛旅游地的年均舒适日数都为140~200d以内;依据气候舒适度的年内分布特征,海坛岛和崇武两岛为全年舒适型,葫芦岛、长山岛、秦皇岛、月岛、长岛、芝罘岛、刘公岛、秦山岛、嵊泗列岛9个岛屿旅游地为春、夏、秋舒适型,南澳岛、万山群岛、东升岛、湛江海岛、上川岛、涠洲岛6个岛屿旅游地为春、秋、冬舒适型。  相似文献   
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